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MESSAGES #101-151MESSAGES #51-100 | MESSAGES #1-50 |

Moderator Note: Messages sent without identity (e-mail, full address, telephone number) of the participant will not be posted. 


The themes of the e-conference [active now] and the main conference of JUICE 2014 [on 18th and 19th December 2014] are conceived on par with the activities going on in the University Grants Commission (UGC) and the request made by the Chief Minister of Northern Province. When a team of University academia met the Hon. Chief Minister of NP through an informal discussion taken place at his office early this year and proposed several plans of the Provincial development and contribution. On this discussion, the Chief Minister requested us to help them to find out the projects, have feasible project proposals to submit the donor agencies to implement them based on their priority. Intellectuals could assist in this way to carry out the developments in the Northern Province productively. In addition the conference organized by the UGC on ‘Post war development in Northern and Eastern Provinces’ held in March 2014 also highlighted the developments and the requirements. In fact, the Chief Minister was the Chief Guest of this conference and requested the academia to help them in the process of development.


Considering all these initiatives, it has been proposed to have the theme of the University International Conference (JUICE 2014) as "Accelerated Regional Development" and then wanted to get the opinion, suggestions, ideas and experiences from the academia locally and abroad. The objective of the conference is to provide a platform for the people to share their experiences, views to contribute in the development of the Provinces.  This (e-mail assisted) e-conference was launched with the theme of “Accelerated development in Northern and Eastern Provinces of Sri Lanka”. This is purely an academic exercise, and academia has a role to contribute the regional and national development using their intellectual power. It is expected to bring out the ideas, opinions, suggestions and valuable thoughts to look forward to the Northern Provincial development in all the sectors. Constructive criticisms are welcome however those should be in line with the expectation of the conference and should not be merely personal and self interest. All messages will be published with the complete identity of the participant. 


This opportunity is given to the interested academia to have a viable discussion and to come out with the findings to be suggested to the concerned people to make the change. Though the participation is slow at the beginning but there are valuable comments and suggestions.

You are welcome to actively participate and contribute constructively towards the development of Northern and Eastern Provinces. 



Moderator /e-Conference JUICE-2014
University of Jaffna, Thirunelvely, Jaffna
Sri Lanka
e-mail: juiceec2014 AT gmail.com
Mobile: +94718475539