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Author's Guide

Guidelines for Submission

In order to submit an abstract for AMCEHA 2025, you must have an account at the CMT site ( Please create a new account in CMT, if you have not used the CMT system before. If you have already registered in CMT, but could not remember your password, you can reset your password by clicking on the “Reset Password” link on the access page.

Once logged in, click on “International Conference on Advanced Materials for Clean Energy and Health Applications” link or search for AMCEHA 2025 under “All Conferences”.

Then, click on “Create New Submission” and select your track to send us your abstract.

After filling in all relevant details, you may click on “Submit” to send us your abstracts.

Final submission of Camera-ready Abstract

Please find the template of Camera-ready Abstract and follow the template when preparing Camera-ready Abstract.

Authors are encouraged to submit high quality, original work that has not been published previously. Submitted abstracts will be reviewed through a double blind review process and the reviewers’ comments will be notified to the corresponding authors. Accepted abstracts will be disseminated as oral or poster presentations and will be published in the conference abstract proceedings.

Abstracts should be written in English language, and they should not exceed one page within the given format. They should be submitted as either PDF or MS Word files, via the Conference Management Tool (CMT) only.

The Editorial Committee recommends all authors to verify their abstracts against plagiarism using any free online plagiarism checker before submission (e.g. Plagscan). Abstracts will be rejected without further consideration if plagiarism is detected. Each accepted abstract must be presented by one of its authors at the conference.

Publication in a special issue of Science Citation Indexed journals 

Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit full manuscripts based on their abstracts for consideration in one of the following journals, subject to a fresh peer review process:


SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie (ZPC)
(International Journal of Research in Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics)
Impact Factor: 3.0, SJR: 0.49 (Q2)

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Frontiers in Energies

Impact Factor: 3.1, SJR: 0.62 (Q2)